Monday, June 25, 2012

Refining the definition of “Judeofascism” to account for its secular-left cult of Jewish exceptionalism

(By Chris Moore, -- Defining the word “Jew” can be a difficult task. A religious definition might include “a believer in the religion of Judaism.” But not all Jews are religious, and many atheistic Jews still identify themselves as Jewish. A definition as a “People” might include “a member of a Semitic people descended from the ancient Hebrews.” But that definition is even more controversial because no one knows or can determine who is descended from the Hebrews and who is not; in fact, some studies suggest that the biblical Hebrews have virtually noliving descendants that still identify themselves Jews whatsoever. So the ethnic definition is based on incomplete conjecture, at best.

Perhaps a more reasonable working definition of “Jew,” then, is “a person who has a cultural or religious connection to Judaism either through birth lines or adoption of a Jewish religious identity, and who continues to identify him or herself as Jewish.” 

The second part of the equation is crucial, because self-identification as a Jew, in the contemporary West at least, is an elective choice since Jews are not officially identified as such anywhere except in their own minds, by their religious institutions, and by one another. In most of the modern West, no authority forces anyone to identify as a Jew.

This, then, brings us to the question of Zionism and its relationship to Jewishness.

What percentage of Jews are Zionists, and what exactly defines Zionism beyond mere support for Jewish nationalism? There is no definitive answer there, either, and apparently no authoritative polls available on the subject. But given that the plurality of the world’s self-identifying Jews now live in the Zionist state of Israel, and given that (at the very least), pluralities of diaspora Jewry are staunch supporters of the Zionist state, it is a safe bet that a majority of self-identifying Jews are supporters of Jewish nationalism to one extent or another, and plenty of those are Zionists.

The category of Judeofascism is more difficult, still. As the editor of, heretofore I have generally defined Judeofascism as a network within a Jewish nation (including the Jewish nation of Israel and the many diaspora “nations” of Jewry) comprised of Jews who believe they are racially, religiously and/or culturally superior to non-Jews, and who believe that this supremacy gives them certain rights and privileges over gentiles either through historical fiat or in the eyes of God that should be extended and formally incorporated into the laws of men.

Does Judeofascism comprise all Zionists?

Certainly, it would include hard-core diaspora and Israeli Jewish Zionists who believe Jews, by virtue of birth lines, are entitled to institutionalized superior status and rights over non-Jewish native inhabitants of Palestine living in Israel. Additionally, it would include those Jews who support the general Zionist political program to disenfranchise the occupied Palestinians and continue to expand the borders of Zionism. However, it wouldn’t necessarily include all Jewish nationalists the world over who support the concept of a Jewish nation.

What about other Jews who believe in the concept of Jewish “choseness” or exceptionalism by virtue of blood lines in general? Are they Judeofacists, since choseness itself might be interpreted as a supremacist belief? By that definition, virtually all religious Jews would have to fall into the Judeofascist category since a belief in Jewish “choseness” is inherent in the religion of Judaism, so that seems an unfairly broad, singling out of Jews, given that nearly all religions and even ideologies have doctrine that could be interpreted as containing a membership that self-elevates above out-groups.

So let’s leave out non-Zionist religious Jews who are not also involved in some other form of Jewish exceptionalist ethnic racketeering outside of Zionism.

What about Zionist and non-Zionist irreligious Jews? Again, irreligious Jewish supporters of the Jewish supremacist program of Palestinian subjugation and disenfranchisement that is inherent to contemporary Zionism would have to fall into the Judeofacist camp by definition. But how about self-identifying left-wing Jews, for instance, who are non-Zionist? Is it possible for them to be Judeofacists even if they profess to be irreligious and opposed to Zionism? 

I maintain that it is possible when their political orientation reflects clear latent beliefs in Jewish exceptionalism, and a desire and program to utilize an authoritarian State to impose de facto Jewish exceptionalism upon non-Jews by means, in part, of ethnic racketeering that results in high concentrations of Jewish authorities administering a powerful central government. 

Have we encountered such a people before? Indeed we have -- in the revolutionary Jewish Bolsheviks, who played a hugely disproportionate role in the Russian coup that led to Communism and later in the Communist hierarchy of the early Soviet Union, as well as the implementation of the systematic Soviet state murder of millions of Christians, peasants, and anti-Communist dissidents.

Perhaps no one better personifies this axis of leftist thought, Jewish exceptionalism, and a vision of authoritarian imposition of Jewish messianicism than Moses Hess, an early Jewish socialist who was a 19th Century precursor to the Jewish Bolsheviks. A compatriot of, and tremendous influence upon, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- whose ideas became the basis of Communism and socialism through The Communist Manifesto and other seminal leftist writings (a basis that remains to this day) -- Hess was a pioneer of socialism who also became a Zionist socialist obsessed with “the race struggle” between ethnic nations for predomination.

From Wikipeida: “Hess originally advocated Jewish integration into the universalist socialist movement, and was a friend and collaborator of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Hess converted Engels to Communism, and introduced Marx to social and economic problems. He played an important role in transforming Hegelian dialectical idealism theory of history to the dialectical materialism of Marxism, by conceiving of man as the initiator of history through his active consciousness. Hess was probably responsible for several "Marxian" slogans and ideas, including religion as the "opiate of the people." Hess became reluctant to base all history on economic causes and class struggle, and he came to see the struggle of races, or nationalities, as the prime factor of past history.”

A string of key Wikipedia quotes captures the essence of Hess’ thought, from the Jewish exceptionalist underpinnings of his socialism, to his goal of the obsolescence of Christianity in favor of earthly utopia, to his smoldering anti-German racism and later Zionism: 

--"The Messianic era is the present age, which began to germinate with the teachings of Spinoza, and finally came into historical existence with the great French Revolution.

--"To this coming cult, Judaism alone holds the key. This "religion of the future" of which the eighteenth century philosophers, as well as their recent followers, dreamed [...] Each nation will have to create its own historical cult; each people must become like the Jewish people, a people of God.

--"The Christian... imagines the better future of the human species... in the image of heavenly joy...We, on the other hand, will have this heaven on earth."

--Even an act of conversion cannot relieve the Jew of the enormous pressure of German anti-Semitism. The Germans hate the religion of the Jews less than they hate their race - they hate the peculiar faith of the Jews, less than their peculiar noses."

--"The race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary. The last dominating race is the German."

As an important forerunner not only to Jewish Bolshevism, but to the entire Communist movement, Hess can be viewed as a kind of missing link in both Communist and Judeofascist historiography that bridges supposedly “secular” Communism and Jewish thought on the one hand, and that bridges the religious and irreligious strains of Judeofascism on the other (click on chart below). In this formulation, both Zionism and certain forms of Communism can be interpreted as expressions of Jewish thought.
Examining the chart, then, we can modify our definition of Judeofascism to include its irreligious (secular) strain, as well as its openly religious one:

Judeofascist: A religious or irreligious member of a network within Jewry who believes Jews are racially, religiously or culturally superior to non-Jews, and who actively works to incorporate Jewish exceptionalism into the laws of men by means of openly religious-authoritarian de jure imposition (ie Zionism), or secular-authoritarian, de facto imposition (ie Bolshevism).

The implications of this vis-à-vis the Left, which professes to be anti-racist and unbiased even though the very basis of its ideology is grounded in Jewish exceptionalist thought that has clearly seeped into the body of Leftist dogma (most evident in its profound hatred for non-Jewish religions in general and Christianity in particular), are disturbing, to say the least.

***Chris Moore is the publisher of, and, a conservative-libertarian-populist blog.
posted by Chris Moore at 9:46 AM on Oct 4, 2009

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